Does Your Mid-Market Company Qualify as U.S. Critical Infrastructure?

CrisisLead CEO, Christopher Stitt helps prepare the next generation of national security professionals through teaching Homeland Security courses at George Mason University. Recently, he was asked how teaching this helps him provide services to mid-market companies. Well, a big part of Homeland Security is the protection of critical infrastructure, to which mid-market companies are a […]

Create a High-Performing Enterprise Risk Management Culture

Michael Gips and CrisisLead CEO, Christopher Stitt had a great time presenting at this year’s RIMS ERM Conference, where we shared our insights during our session, “The Art and Science of High-Performing Enterprise Risk Management: Bridging Silos for Sustainable Success.” We explored how organizations can enhance their enterprise risk management (ERM) practices by integrating cultural […]

LinkedIn: CrisisLead CEO a Top Voice in Emergency Management

On March 6, 2024, LinkedIn recognized CrisisLead founder and CEO Christopher Stitt as a “Top Voice in Emergency Management” among selected experts in the field. They signified this by the addition of the gold Community Top Voice badge added to to his profile. What are Top Voices? Top voices are a select group who actively […]

Shift security cultures by moving past resilience to Presilience.

Last August at the ASIS International Global Security Exchange (GSX) conference, I serendipitously met Dr. Gav Schneider, CEO of Risk2Solution and creator of the “Presilience” concept. Part of our discussion was about his process to shift security cultures by moving past resilience to Presilience. While many of you are familiar with the concept of resilience: […]

CrisisLead at Security 500 and OSAC!

CrisisLead Founder and CEO Christopher Stitt on OSAC Stage

CrisisLead founder and CEO Christopher Stitt attended the Security 500 conference and the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) Annual Briefing in early November, 2023. Chris made the most of the opportunity, attending sessions and networking with his peers in the security industry. A couple of key take-aways: Security 500 is hosted by Security Magazine. It’s […]

#TBT – Global Companies need Viable, Accurate, & Useable Local Emergency Plans!

Throwback Thursday! In October 2020 the International Association of Emergency Managers published an article by CrisisLead, LLC founder, Christopher Stitt in the International Conference Edition of their IAEM Bulletin. The article highlights the concept that all emergencies are local events. Global companies need emergency plans that are viable, accurate, and usable for each operating location. […]

Inaugural Security Journal Americas Leaders in Security Podcast

This week, Security Journal Americas (SJA) released their first ever podcast. This podcast, moderated by editor-in-chief Victoria Rees, brings together accomplished security professionals to discuss each episode’s them. This inaugural podcast is “Crisis Management in an Age of Permacrisis.” CrisisLead, LLC founder and CEO Christopher Stitt was included as one of the invited experts sharing his […]

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